AKO Pinch Valves Last 8 Years to date without Failures
A division of a large company producing specialist ice pigging equipment have successfully been using AKO Pinch Valves for 8 years.
Pigging is the practice of cleaning a pipeline using devices generally referred to as pigs or scrapers, to perform various maintenance operations. This is carried out without stopping the flow of the product in the pipeline.
For their ice production system, this company required a method of dynamic throttling, and therefore sourced Pinch Valves from AKO UK. The type of Pinch Valve for pigging used is from the VMC stainless steel range. It is 10mm in diameter and has an EPDM white food quality rubber sleeve rated to 120’C. Either side of the valve are threaded spigot RJT ends. Within the 8 years of using AKO Pinch Valves for pigging, the company have never needed to replace a rubber sleeve.

Valve for Pigging Application Details
- Media passing through valve: Various aqueous solutions, brine, citric acid, nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, sugar
- Temperature of media: -10 – +100 deg C
- Pressure of media: Up to 4 BAR
- Position of valve/where it is installed: Vertically between a separator and header tank
- The Pinch Valve is Normally Open
- Amount of cycles per day: >200
- Amount of air used to close the Pinch Valve for pigging: 6 BAR