The Airbrator is a small device that is used for solving material flow problems through a sequence of vibration and aeration mechanisms. It is basically an air pad with a special design that helps in creating vibrations when the air flows between the bin wall and the boot of the Airbrator pad. The Airbrator is quite easy to install, and is an economical solution that is self-cleaning and has a durable construction.
Airbrators (also known as aerators) have a wide range of features. They provide vibratory motion, in addition to aeration, that assists in smooth material flow. Airbrators have a stainless steel shaft and a built-in check valve, and can be used in any type of silo or bin. This airbrator device has a robust construction and can be used in temperature conditions up to 400F. Depending on the application, the operator can choose between low and high pressure air. The Airbrator is an affordable solution, which is suitable for powdered or granular materials, and can also handle abrasive materials.

The Airbrator is used for unobstructed flow of several types of dry and powdery materials such as lime, flour, cement, fly ash, fluorspar, ash, alumina, cornstarch, perlite, soap powder, clay, salt, and sands (see more examples of flowing media in need of aeration). It is also great for difficult bulk solid and granular materials, and easily handles abrasive materials as well. Another benefit of the Airbrator is that it doesn’t operate on a specific pressure; meaning that it can function on a wide range of high and low pressures through blower air from as high as 60 PSIG to as low as 5 PSIG.
These devices are majorly used to ensure consistent flow of granular and powdered bulk material from silos and bins. Mostly, several Airbrators are installed strategically in different locations on the inner side of the bin’s lower cone, mainly in areas where susceptibility of material sticking to the bin wall or the boot is high.