flexible hose with valves

Looking in Detail at a Flexible Hose with Valves

When media flows through the valve, pressure is applied into a nipple fitting on the side of the body, and the valve changes its position. Usually, the valve is normally open so that when air pressure is applied, the flexible hose with valves closes. On the other hand, a pinch valve can be kept normally closed, so alternatively will need air pressure to open the rubber hose.

manual bulk valves closed

Why Tight Shut off Valves with a Squeeze-closed Sleeve are the better option

Tight shut off valves with a rubber hose that squeezes closed are designed to fully open and close tightly to ensure zero leakage. These valve types are relatively simpler in terms of design and operation compared to a ball valve for example, allowing for a repeatable and reliable tight shut off operation. These squeeze-closed types of tight shut off valves are used as a safety function in applications where immediate cut off of the flow of media is of paramount importance.

pinch valve vacuum

Important Requirements of Pinch Valve Vacuum Technology

Pinch Valve vacuum technology puts great emphasis on the quality of the components and reliable functioning of pinch valves. Shutoff valves in vacuum systems are subject to several special requirements, apart from the general shutoff elements and their technical aspects. With pinch valve vacuum, the additional demands are met only when right shutoff devices are installed, taking into account the method of construction, operation, and size suitable for each application.